
If you would like to embed the web map on your own website, simply add the following code to your HTML:

  title="BTC Map"

You can adjust the width and height attributes to fit your page.

NOTE: If you want the geolocation feature to work you must also allow this in the Permissions Policy HTTP Header on the server of your website.

Permissions-Policy: geolocation=(self "https://btcmap.org")

For more information see this article.

If you would like the map the initialize on a specific location there are a couple more steps to complete

General area

  1. Visit btcmap.org/map and zoom the map to your desired location
  2. Copy the URL from your browser tab which contains geolocation data
  3. Add this URL to your iframe src attribute embed code

Communities map

  1. Use https://btcmap.org/communities/map for your iframe URL
Community area
  1. Use https://btcmap.org/communities/map?community=einundzwanzig-deutschland for your iframe URL (replace einundzwanzig-deutschland with the ID of your community - this can be found in the URL when visiting your community page)
Organization filter
  1. Use https://btcmap.org/communities/map?organization=einundzwanzig
Language filter
  1. Use https://btcmap.org/communities/map?language=es

If you would like to filter by payment method

Add the preferred payment method(s) as URLSearchParams to the src attribute of your iframe. These can be added in addition to the location params above.

The available options are:

  • onchain
  • lightning
  • nfc

Example: /map?onchain&lightning

Selecting a default basemap

To choose which basemap displays on page load, you can add the basemap param to your URL. The values correspond to the order they appear in the list on the map. For example, if you wanted to use the Terrain basemap you would add basemap=7. Like so: /map?basemap=7.

That's it!

Embedding is also possible on native mobile applications by utilizing the WebView.